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New Look: Trend Briefing

I have worked for the high street retailer New Look for around three years and  therefore have a strong understanding of the company, their target consumers and the way they communicate. At the beginning of each season trend guidelines are sent down from Head Office. These trends influence the visual merchandising of the store as well as the stock, and staff need to have knowledge of these trends in order to best communicate them to consumers. Part of my job role this summer was to inform the staff at our Solihull store of the Autumn trends that were being introduced. I felt the best way to communicate this would be to create boards to be exhibited in the staff room that explain where the trend has originated from, the image types and  compositions that influence the look, and our current stock that correlates with the trend.  The guidelines were fairly vague which allowed me to make the relevant creative decisions on the imagery used and how information was communicated.

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